Hazel Jones, [email protected]
Reason to celebrate at Ariel
The Social Committee’s Game Night in February provided an extra reason to celebrate. The party was staged in the Taeping Room for the first time since Hurricane Ian did so much damage to Ariel. Although owners are still waiting for chairs and barstools as well as decorative touches, the 82 residents and their guests were able to enjoy a fun get-together in the beautiful community room.

the Taeping Room.
For this game night, residents were invited to wear their favorite team jerseys. Several did so, although the Chiefs fans in the building were more subdued than normal since the party was held the week after the Super Bowl.

Martha Kohnke sporting her granddaughter’s soccer team
shirt, and Gary Ramadan celebrate their favorite teams.
The Social Committee provided pulled pork and slider rolls as well as wine, beer, water and a signature drink, a Cape Codder made with cranberry juice, seltzer and vodka if desired. Residents were invited to bring a side dish ranging from appetizers to salads to desserts and they responded by sharing food of all types.

Wisconsin cheese curds and wonderful green pepper and cheddar cheese bratwursts from Lake Geneva (WI) Country Meats were a special treat. Some debated moving to Wisconsin to be closer to the source, until they remembered that Wisconsin also has cold and snow. Cookie Smith’s award-winning baked beans (ranked fourth out of 500 entries in a national competition) were among the many delicious offerings.

pulled pork sliders provided by the Social Committee
Contests were held too for extra chances at raffle tickets for prizes. Cornhole was played in the corners of the room while separate putting and chipping practice “greens” were set up on the dance floor. There even was an extra putting green to use so that players could practice with the putters provided.
All attendees received raffle tickets for prizes that were arranged by the Social Committee. Additional tickets could be earned by winning the games. Top prize was a $25 gift certificate won by Tanya Dziubla to Cibo, the Italian restaurant directly across the street from The Landings. Diane Kinser won the second prize, a bottle of Prosecco. The three winners of the third prizes, $5 scratch-off tickets, have not told anyone whether they scored big with their tickets.